30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Day 1

30 Day Mindfulness Challenge - Day 1

In my last post (from earlier today) I talked about how I want to do a 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge, and how I really think it will be helpful to get rid of some stress.

I hope you’re going to join me!

For each of the 4 weeks, I’m going to pick one method of mindfulness, and then throughout the week write about how I’m doing with that method. I’ll also talk about other ways you can be mindful using the method of the week, because believe me, there are a LOT of different ways out there, and if one doesn’t work well for you, another will.

The first week I’m going to try the method of mindfulness everyone hears about first.


There are many different ways to meditate.

Since it’s so difficult, instead of meditating on my own, I’m going to listen to a guided meditation. That means that someone is telling you what to do and what to think about. If you’re new to meditation, it can make it easier to focus on someone’s voice and do what they say vs. try to be in the here and now by yourself.

I’ve decided to try using an app called Headspace. It’s available for both Apple and Android.  You can go through the first 10 meditations for free, so it’s great for anyone who isn’t sure how to meditate but wants to try a well liked app.

I had actually downloaded this app quite a long time ago, but only made it to the first 3 meditations. So I decided today to try the 4th. Each of them are 10 minutes long.

Today I had a slightly different experience than I had with the first 3. With the first 3, I felt like I was taking time away from doing something else – like I was wasting time, even though I knew that meditation was a good thing to do.

Today I didn’t feel that way…but that might have been because I was doing it for “work.”

Usually the 10 minutes go VERY slowly, but today I thought they went a bit quicker.

I felt a little more relaxed after I finished than when I had started.

I am looking forward to doing this the rest of the week.

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