30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Day 14

30 Day Mindfulness Challenge Day 14

I’m glad that tomorrow is a new week, and a new method in the 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge that I’m doing.

It’s not that breathing is bad…breathing is obviously very good. 🙂 But I think it was a bit too unstructured for me, and I need a little something more.

As of now I think the mindfulness meditations with Headspace was a lot better than just breathing exercises on my own, but after the next 2 weeks, we’ll see which is my favorite.

Today I decided to just breathe, and focus on my breathing. Again, it didn’t really seem to do much…but at least I can say that I tried it for a week.

I’m looking forward to tomorrow, and starting something new. I’ll share what that is tomorrow!

Hope you’re being mindful as well, and seeing what works for you!

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