30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Day 16

30 Day Mindfulness Challenge Day 16

There are many different ways to be mindful. If you take a look at what I’ve done so far for my 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge, you’ll see that you can do many different things that can all have a similar effect.

Today, I wanted to do something else that most people do every day, and usually do on autopilot. Driving.

When I used to drive to work every morning, I can’t tell you the number of times I’d get to work and not remember a bit of the drive over. It’s all automatic. You drive, but you’re thinking of 100 other things while driving.

So I wanted to see if I could be mindful while driving. I wanted to pay extra attention to my surroundings, the noises I heard, and more.

The first thing I learned?

It’s impossible to do while listening to music!

Once I turned off the radio, I was able to be mindful. Sure, some thoughts came and went…but it was easier to pay attention the noises on the road, the beautiful turning leaves on the trees, and everything else I saw.

I don’t think I felt any more relaxed when I was done, but I’m not sure I expected to. I was driving after all, not sitting at home with my eyes closed.

It was a great way to be more in the present though, and if you don’t think you have any time to be mindful, this is a great exercise to try!

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