30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Day 30

30 Day Mindfulness Challenge Day 30

Wow. I can’t believe I’m on the last day of my 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge!

At the beginning I thought it was going to be a really long month, but it really didn’t seem so long.

I’ll leave it until tomorrow to go over my summary…but today, I decided to eat something mindfully.

I absolutely love food. I’m one of those people that live to eat instead of eat to live.

The problem is most of the time I’m eating I’m either doing something else, or rushing through it so I can do something else.

But food is so wonderful that it should be enjoyed, and eaten mindfully every once in a while.

That’s why today I ate my breakfast mindfully.

I had a bagel with scallion cream cheese, and on top had slices of cucumber and tomatoes.

It was so good. I’ve had this the past few days, but actually paying attention to the food made it taste that much better! So instead of rushing through eating it so that I could start working, I paid attention to every bite…what it tasted like and felt like in my mouth.

I’m glad I did that today. It was a good reminder to pay attention to what I’m doing more often instead of doing multiple things at once (like eating and reading, which is what I’m often doing.)

I’d like to keep doing this at least every so often, even after this challenge is over.

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