30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Day 9

30 Day Mindfulness Challenge Day 9

Today is the second day of what I’m calling “Breathing exercises” week as part of my 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge.

After a week of meditations, I’m hoping to see if just doing breathing exercises each day can help as well.

Each day I’m going to try a different breathing exercise…as there are so many different ways to breathe to be mindful.

Today, what I did was a “yoga like” breathing. You close one nostril and breathe in, and then switch nostrils and breathe out. You go back and forth for a few minutes.

Doing it this way makes you focus more on your breathing, and makes you be more mindful.

I had a hard time with this one. I didn’t really like breathing like that, and so wasn’t very focused…I had a lot of thoughts going through my head, and probably won’t be doing it again.

But at least I tried, and even though it didn’t really work well for me, it might work well for you!

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