100 Day Challenge – The Importance of October 1st, 2014

100 Day Challenge - Finish Strong 2014

We need to talk about your 2014 performance, and as it relates to your year-to-date results.

October 1st is an extremely important day as it begins the 4th and final quarter of the year.

I can assure you that every Sales Manager, Stock Analyst and Fortune 500 Executive is well aware of this date and they are doing everything they can to finish the year strong.

Are you?

Consider the following:

On October 1st…2014 will be 75% complete.

If you had ambitions of making $200,000 this year, you should be closing in on $150,000.
If you had a resolution of paying off $20,000 in debt, you should be $15,000 lighter.
And if you said you were going to lose 40 pounds, you should have dropped 30 by now.

Are you on track with any of your goals or resolutions? Have you surpassed your expectations? Are you even close?


The good news is that there’s still plenty of time and opportunity to reach your goals, exceed your sales targets, and close any execution gap(s).

However, if you or your team have not made as much progress as you’d like in the first three quarters of the year, you need to do something differently and you need to do it now so that you FINISH THE YEAR STRONG.

And that’s why you’re absolutely going to love the 100 Day Challenge, as it’s the perfect solution for the biggest problem faced by everyone – the need for more, better and faster results in a highly competitive world.

Check it out and learn exactly what it takes to finish the year fast, focused and at the very top of your game.

The 4th quarter is about to get underway and you are about to make one of the following decisions:

You will choose to discount this message and continue to reinforce the same non-productive habits and behavior you have displayed for the previous 3 quarters.

OR, you will make the decision to participate in the 100 Day Challenge and learn EXACTLY what it takes to finish the year strong and at the very TOP OF YOUR GAME.

I hope you choose the second option. But to take advantage you must act by October 2nd as they shut down to help all participants make HUGE performance gains in the 4th quarter.

Click here to FINISH STRONG:

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