30 Days of BeachBody on Demand

30 Days Beachbody on Demand

I’ve been doing Beachbody’s T25 on and off for months, and really enjoy it.

But sometimes I get a little bored of doing the same exercises over and over again.

When that happens, it’s harder to motivate myself to get up early each day so that I can exercise.  Plus, then it becomes more of a chore instead of something that I want to do.

So when I saw that Beachbody had a 30 day free trial of Beachbody on Demand, I decided I was going to try it…starting today!

So I’m about to sign up, and I’ll post what goes on for the next month.

I’m really excited to start!  I hope I can help if you’ve been considering trying the same.

I’ll let you know what videos I try, and what I think of them.

As the review goes on, I’ll post links to my updates here: