BeachBody on Demand Day 13: P90X3 Isometrix

Day 13 - P90X3 - Isometrix

Today we decided to try the P90X3 Isometrix.

Duration: 30 minutes.

Isometrix sounds fancy, but this is a half an hour of spending 45 seconds each in different poses.

The whole thing is about balance.

You go back and forth between floor (mostly plank-like) and standing poses. You get into the position that Tony tells you to, and then stay there for 45 seconds….however you can.

However you can means that you can modify it however you like. Most of the time, the 3 people doing the poses with Tony were all doing them very differently. So you do it however you can get it done.

As it goes on, the poses seem to get crazier and crazier, but the 4 of them can sure do it!

I found a lot of them difficult, and was modifying even more than the modifier was.

But it was interesting, and I sure feel it after doing it.

Would we try it again? Yes, I think so.

But make sure you don’t have high expectations the first time you do it. Odds are you won’t be able to stay in those positions for 45 seconds – you might not even be able to do some of the positions at all!

If you’re interested in learning more about the free 30 day trial of Beachbody on Demand, click here.

Also, if you’d like to see my review of the entire 30 day free trial, I’ll be updating the main post here.

