BeachBody on Demand Day 15: Insanity – Sanity Check

Day 15 - Insanity - Sanity Check

Today we decided to try Insanity, since we’ve never done any of those workouts before.

We chose Insanity – Sanity Check. In the description it says that it shows you how to perform each of his insane moves safely and effectively, so you can get maximum results.

In other words, it’s not so crazy.

Duration: 26 minutes including the cooldown.

We figured this was a good way to start with Insanity.

It starts out with a warm up of a few different exercises. You do them twice, and then do some stretching.

After you do 2 circuits, each one twice. The first time you do the move, it’s slow, and then after you do the set, you do the whole thing again faster.

I really like that Shaun T. has a lot of water breaks. It’s the first workout of his that I’ve seen a break at all…and it was nice to have.

You definitely sweat…and feel like you get a workout, even though it’s short (especially considering you’re including the 2x stretching as part of the time).

I like the cardio moves he does. Some are also in T25 so they weren’t new, but a lot are new so it was fun to do.

It was good. We’d both do again. It was a decent workout for a “training” workout, especially if you’re just starting out.

If you’re interested in learning more about the free 30 day trial of Beachbody on Demand, click here.

Also, if you’d like to see my review of the entire 30 day free trial, I’ll be updating the main post here.

