BeachBody on Demand Day 27: Turbo Fire Low HIIT 20

Turbo Fire Low HIIT 20

We’ve really been liking the Turbo Fire workouts, so today we decided to try another one. Turbo Fire Low HIIT 20.

Duration: 20 minutes including cooldown.

Like the other Turbo Fire Low HIIT we did, this one is also low impact, high intensity interval training.

Even though it was only 20 minutes, you really got a good workout in and I was sweating by the end of it.

You have a warmup and cooldown, and in between you do 3 sets of routines. Each one you do twice slow, and twice really fast.

What happens is while it’s slow, she goes through the routine really slowly. Then, when the bell rings, you go as fast as you can for a minute. You repeat, and then move onto the next set.

Some of the moves were not so easy to do the first time around, but I am sure if you kept doing it, you’d get it.

For some reason, the moves on this one weren’t as exciting as the others, so we’ll probably go back to those before doing this one again.

But it was still a good workout.

If you’re interested in learning more about the free 30 day trial of Beachbody on Demand, click here.

Also, if you’d like to see my review of the entire 30 day free trial, I’ll be updating the main post here.

