BeachBody on Demand Day 28: Turbo Fire Core 20

Turbo Fire Core 20

Today we decided to do Turbo Fire Core 20, to get a good workout for our abs.

Duration: 20 minutes.

It wasn’t bad. This was a lot of different core exercises.

My biggest issue was with the resistance bands. I had no problem using them, but my wrists hurt. I know when most people use them, other parts that are stretching should hurt…but I have issues with my wrists, so I had a hard time with some of the exercises.

The resistance bands were used about half of the time. You could get away without using them at all if you didn’t want to.

We definitely did some exercises that I’ve never done before. It was ok.

I’d say it was a decent ab workout.

We’d do it again, but it wasn’t exciting enough to make us want to come back and do it again soon.

If you’re interested in learning more about the free 30 day trial of Beachbody on Demand, click here.

Also, if you’d like to see my review of the entire 30 day free trial, I’ll be updating the main post here.

