BeachBody on Demand Day 30: P90X3 Eccentric Lower

P90X3 Eccentric Lower

We really enjoyed the P90X3 routines we’ve done so far, so we decided to try another one. This time the P90X3 Eccentric Lower.

Duration: 30 minutes + 2.20 cooldown.

With this routine, you use dumbells or resistance bands for about half of the exercises, but you could get away without either of them.

We used resistance bands.

You also need a chair, or the edge of a couch. Something that you can lean on for a few exercises, and put your foot on for one other exercise.

The point is to do different exercises really, really slowly in order to build muscle.

So for example, the first exercise was squats, and we did them really, really slowly.

Each exercise was done 10 times on each side.

You wouldn’t think you’d get a good workout from it, but I’m tired after it, and sweating a little bit. I have feeling I will really be feeling it tomorrow.

It was good though, and I can see doing this again.

If you’re interested in learning more about the free 30 day trial of Beachbody on Demand, click here.

Also, if you’d like to see my review of the entire 30 day free trial, I’ll be updating the main post here.

