BeachBody on Demand Review – After 1 Full Month

Beachbody on Demand Review - 1 Month

I just finished the free 1-month trial of Beachbody on Demand. (You can get a free 1-month trial too!)

I have to say I worked out more, and worked out harder than I ever have before.

Before Beachbody on Demand, I worked out 3ish times a week.

But with Beachbody on Demand, I worked out 6 days a week, only taking off 1 day each weekend to sleep in.

Of course, part of it was because I was blogging about it…but another part was that I was genuinely looking forward to it (except when my alarm went off each morning!)

Let me start by telling you what we’ve decided.

We’re staying with Beachbody on Demand!

The 1-month trial let us see all of the great things about it, and we’ve decided it’s for us.

We plan on keeping up with it, and exercising 6 times a week going forward.

There were pluses and minuses of course, just like with everything else. But it boiled down to this: There were enough different workouts that we liked that it was never boring. We didn’t feel “ugh, we have to exercise again”, but looked forward to what we’d try next. And that’s a huge deal when it comes to exercising…because when you really don’t want to, you’ll come up with any excuse to get out of it!

Now I want to go over all of the things we liked and didn’t like over the past month about Beachbody on Demand. Hopefully this will help you if you’re trying to decide if you should try it or not!

Things we enjoyed:

  • Having so many exercise routines to choose from. We never got bored doing the “same old” because every day we did something different. There are so many different trainers and routines that it’s always something new and different.
  • Being able to find different types of workouts for the mood we were in. There is a lot of cardio, but also yoga, stretching, ab work, and more. Whatever you want to work on, you’ll have multiple options to do so.
  • There are many shorter workouts (30 minutes or less.) We work out first thing in the morning before work, so we don’t have that much time. So we were happy to see that there were MANY choices of workouts that were 30 minutes or less.
  • How easy it was to use. We got the Beachbody on Demand app for the Roku, and once I logged in online the first time, it was as easy as going into the Roku app each morning and choosing what workout to do.
  • That there are multiple ways to use it. Like I said, we mainly used the app in Roku, but it’s nice that it’s so easy to use on a laptop or any other device. I can see being on vacation and doing a workout every now and then.
  • The price. It’s only $38.87 for the quarter, which is $2.99 a week.  While it’s not “cheap”, it’s a lot less expensive than a gym, and makes it so that we don’t have to spend a lot of money buying different workout routines.
  • That there are so many other things that we haven’t even started looking into yet. We’ve just been focusing on the different workouts, but besides that, you also get access to workout calendars, fitness guides, nutrition plans, fitness trackers, and more. You even get access to your own coach, as well as message boards. Hopefully we’ll take advantage of some of that over the upcoming months.

Things we didn’t like (or could be improved!):

  • Searching for workouts (like clicking on the “30 minutes or less” button) – both online and in the Roku app (and probably the other apps as well.) If you try to search on only workouts that are 30 minutes or less, you get a very short list. But if you look through the different workouts, you’ll see that in reality there are a LOT that are 30 minutes or less. So you can’t really trust the search function.
  • Some of the newer Beachbody stuff isn’t included. I knew that going in, but now that I’ve done a full month, I would like to try some of the things that aren’t included yet. I say yet, because it looks like they keep adding stuff, and you can do 1 workout with some of the newer stuff, but just the 1 they include. It would be nice if they had more of it.
  • Some of the workouts just weren’t for us. I’m sure everyone will feel that way, and probably about different workouts, but we definitely found some that we didn’t like – but that was easy, we just knew not to do them again.
  • The blurbs about each workout weren’t always consistent. In other words, some said you needed certain equipment that you never needed, or didn’t include something that you did. As far as times, some included the cooldown, while others didn’t. So if you had a half of an hour, and chose a workout that said 30 minutes, some took the 30 minutes, while others were more like 33 or 34 after the included cooldown. If you’re short on time, even a few minutes off like that can be annoying. It’s not a big deal of course, but can get a little annoying.

We’ve paid for the quarter, so we’ll decide in another 3 months if we want to stick with it. But this free month showed us that it was definitely worth trying for the next 3 months.

While I won’t be posting daily anymore about what workouts we’re doing and what I thought about each of them in depth, I will still blog once a week talking about what we did, and what we liked and didn’t like.

I hope this has been helpful!

If you’re interested in learning more about the free 30 day trial of Beachbody on Demand, click here.

Also, if you’d like to see my review of the entire 30 day free trial, I’ll be updating the main post here.

