BeachBody on Demand Weekly Review: Week ending 10/30/15

Beachbody on Demand Weekly Review

It’s been about 2 and a half weeks since we ended the 30-day FREE trial of Beachbody on Demand.

I’m still really glad we’re staying on, and have the chance to do different exercise routines each day. While I’ll never enjoy getting up early, it’s easier knowing that every day is something different!

What we did this week:

  • 10/26 P90X3 MMX – It’s still a really fun workout. I don’t see getting tired of it any time soon.
  • 10/27 Turbo Fire Abs 10 & Turbo Fire Stretch 10 – The Abs workout is really great. I can’t believe how much those muscles can hurt in just 10 minutes! The stretch routine is ok. I am a bit bored of that, but it goes nicely with the Abs 10 to do a nice 10 minute non-cardio workout.
  • 10/29 Turbo Fire HIIT 20 – We found this one last week after thinking we had tried all of the shorter HIIT routines, and this one was still a lot easier to follow along to. I should say that it’s easier to understand, not easy to keep up! I love that I got 2,000 steps out of the 20 minute routine.
  • 10/30 The Master Trainers – Round 39 – Stretch / Flow – This was really good. It was Piyo, and you didn’t stay in any one position long at all. The half hour went fast, and it was enjoyable. I’m sure we’ll do it again.

What did I get out of the past week?

  • BeachBody on Demand is always adding things. Last week I was complaining about how to use “The Master Trainers” section, I had to use my laptop since it wasn’t on the Roku version. Today we’re looking around the app, and it’s there now! It was so nice to be able to do it using the TV.
  • I am not doing a good job of keeping up 6 days a week of exercise. This is the second week in a row that I’ve only done 4 days, and it’s because I didn’t get enough sleep one of the nights. I can’t keep coming up with excuses.
  • After doing BeachBody on Demand for a month and a half, I’d have thought I’d gone through most of the routines I would have liked, but happily I’m still finding new workouts that I like! So I’ll keep trying new things and hopefully will end up with a large number of fun routines so I don’t get bored.

Hopefully next week I’ll exercise even more, and will find more great workouts.

Also, if you’d like to see my review of the entire 30 day free trial, here’s a post that links to each of the posts during the 30 days, along with a review at the end.

