Alternative to Dryer Sheets – I Use Dryer Balls

I used to use dryer sheets.

The smell was a bit strong on them, but you’re supposed to use dryer sheets so that your clothes don’t become full of static…so I did.

That is, I used them until one day someone told me that there were alternatives to dryer sheets.

It turns out there are a list of reasons you shouldn’t be using dryer sheets. Ready?

  • They’re expensive. Each time you do laundry, you have to use another sheet. It adds up over time.
  • It creates a lot more garbage.
  • If you use dryer sheets with towels, they become less absorbent (All these years, I used dryer sheets for all my laundry and had no idea!)
  • You’ll have less chemicals going on your clothes, and therefore less chemicals going on you!

I guess I just never gave it too much thought.

Once I heard about dryer balls though, I decided I had to check them out.

It turns out they are made of wool (at least, most of them are), and they have 3 benefits by being in your dryer.

The first is that they help reduce static cling. The second is that they help your clothes dry a little bit faster. And the third thing? They make your clothes softer.

Hearing all of this sold me! Plus, if you miss having a nice scent on your clothes, you can use essential oils on the dryer balls, and it will transfer a scent to your clothes.

I purchased the best selling item in “fabric softener” on Amazon, the Smart Sheep 6 pack of XL 100% wool dryer balls. They were under $20, and I use all 6 each time I do the laundry.

I’ve been using them for a few years now, and don’t miss the dryer sheets at all.

My one complaint? I keep ending up “losing” a ball or two in the laundry. I’ll take out all the laundry from the dryer, and put it in my laundry basket…and almost every time I notice at least one if not two balls have gone missing.

If nothing else, it makes me put my laundry away faster so that I find the “missing” balls so I can put them back in the dryer for the next load!

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