Amazon Prime – Is it Worth Renewing?

I just happened to be looking at something on Amazon the other day, and noticed that my Amazon Prime subscription was set to renew.

So I started thinking about it, trying to decide if the $99 a year was worth it.

I know I enjoyed using it the past few years that I’ve had it, and but wanted to make sure that it was REALLY worth it before spending another $99. I mean, I love to save money when I can.

So I started thinking about the ways that I use it, to see if I get what I think is more than $99 out of the subscription.

Here’s what I came up with.

Hopefully it will help you when deciding if you should join Amazon Prime, or if you should re-subscribe.

The first thing I looked at was free 2-day shipping. I see that now you have to spend at least $49 to get free shipping, except for certain categories like books which are $25.

I looked at my Amazon order history for the past year, and only 3 of my very many orders were over $49. So I would have had to pay a lot for shipping.

Granted, I probably would have waited until I had a bunch of items to order before placing an order if I didn’t have prime, but it would not have been as convenient.

Having 2 day free shipping especially helps when you’re about to run out of something and just realized it – like vitamins – or if you realize you need a gift for someone and just aren’t going to be able to get out to the store this week.

So the free 2-day shipping is great, but is it worth $99 a year? To me? Probably that alone would not make me spend the $99 a year. But…that’s only a small bit of what Amazon offers.

They have a lot of movies and TV shows in the Amazon Prime library, and my husband and I have both taken advantage of it. I can’t tell you how many different series of TV shows my husband has watched, but it’s been quite a few. I have watched a few different series, and am in the middle of one now.

We’ve also been able to watch a lot of movies that we had wanted to see, so that’s been nice too.

I am an avid reader. The fact that you can borrow 1 book a month, PLUS get one free book in Kindle First (usually out of a choice of 4-6 books) is an awesome benefit for me.

I will admit that I don’t use Amazon Prime Music often, but that’s because I mostly use Spotify. If I didn’t use Spotify, I would definitely try Amazon Prime Music.

Now, when I add all of these things up, to me it’s definitely worth the $99 for the year, so I will be keeping my Amazon Prime subscription. I’ll be happy when it goes through tomorrow, since I’ll be able to keep all of the benefits.

In fact, while looking at my past orders for this article, I realized that I am getting low on one of my vitamins, so just ordered that too, and that will be here in a few days.

I have really gotten used to getting my purchases in 2-days. I would be really sad to lose that benefit. It’s great when you order something and it’s at your house before the end of the week.

In fact, last week I ordered a camera, and got it within 24 hours! Now THAT was cool.

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