BeachBody on Demand Day 19: Turbo Fire HIIT 20

Day 19 - Turbo Fire - HIIT 20

After doing Chalene’s Turbo Fire Sculpt 30 yesterday, I wanted to do another Turbo Fire, this one with a little more cardio.

So we chose to try Turbo Fire HIIT 20.

HIIT stands for high intensity interval training. The point is you work out at your max for up to a minute intervals and have short periods of rest in-between.

Supposedly, just 4 minutes of HIIT can be more effective than a half hour on a treadmill, and you can burn 9x as much fat with HIIT training than regular cardio.

So it sounds like a great workout!

Duration: 20 min including ~4 min cooldown.

I am really glad we started with the 20 minute HIIT and didn’t do anything longer.

Shaun T is the instructor that does the Insanity workouts, but Chalene’s HIIT 20 is definitely insane!!

Everything about it was really, really fast. The moves, and the whole length of the program.

At first it was hard to keep up since she didn’t really tell you what the moves were, but as it went on, she started being a little bit better with describing the moves before we did them.

Maybe she explained the moves in a different workout, but this is only the second one we’ve done, and the first HIIT.

Looking at the list of what you get with Turbo Fire, there is a Fire Starter Class that explains the moves, so maybe that would have been helpful to do first.

There were 3 sets of exercises: the first 2 we did twice, and the last one 3 times.

When the bell rings, you go as fast as you can through them. The point is that you’ll continue to burn fat for the next 24 hours.

Considering the first few minutes were to warm up, and the last 4 minutes was cooldown, it wasn’t that long that we were going…but it really gave me a workout!

I was sweating from it, and felt like I got a good workout in, even though it was shorter than the usual half hour I do each morning.

I enjoyed it overall, and think next time it will be easier to keep up since I know the moves now.

We will probably try another HIIT soon, to see the differences and similarities to this one.

But it was good, and we would both do it again.

If you’re interested in learning more about the free 30 day trial of Beachbody on Demand, click here.

Also, if you’d like to see my review of the entire 30 day free trial, I’ll be updating the main post here.

