BeachBody on Demand Day 6: P90X3 – X3 Ab Ripper

Day 6 - P90X3 - X3 Ab Ripper

Today we tried the P90X3 – X3 Ab Ripper.

Duration: 15 min + 1:50 cooldown

I had a hard time waking up this morning, so I figured I’d look for something shorter than normal. I still wanted a good workout though, so when I came across X3 Ab Ripper, I thought I’d try it.

Silly me, I assumed that the X3 Ab Ripper would be similar to the P90 Ab Ripper, which was all sit ups.

I was very wrong!

It was 15 minutes of crazy abs exercises.

You can use a dumbbell for some, but you don’t have to. Even though it’s short, they have someone who shows you modifications if you can’t do the exact exercises.

I had a very hard time doing the different moves…the exercises were that hard!

It was nice that it was only 15 minutes though.

But I still feel like I got a workout in. I have a feeling my abs will really be feeling it tomorrow.

I’ll definitely do this again, but I might wait until I feel like I’m in a bit better shape. I enjoyed it though even though it was really difficult.

The 15 minutes went quickly too, which was nice!

If you’re interested in learning more about the free 30 day trial of Beachbody on Demand, click here.

Also, if you’d like to see my review of the entire 30 day free trial, I’ll be updating the main post here.

