BeachBody on Demand Day 9: Hip Hop Ads – Fat Burning Cardio

Day 9 - Hip Hop Abs - Fat Burning Cardio

This morning we did Hip Hop Abs – Fat Burning Cardio.

Duration: 30 min including a 1 minute 50 second cooldown.

I really don’t know what to say about Hip Hop Abs – Fat Burning Cardio.

I guess after doing Shaun T’s T25 for so long and knowing that he does all of the Insanity workouts, I expected more.

A lot more.

On a positive note, I didn’t feel like I was exercising at all.

On a negative note, I didn’t feel like I got a workout at all!

There was no sweating. By the end I was getting a little warm, but that’s just from moving around for a half of an hour.

There was one move that I felt like actually helped my abs – it was a kick with each leg, and then pulling your knees up.

But that was it.

Maybe I was doing the moves wrong, and if I knew what I was doing I would have gotten more of a workout? Or at least my abs would have?

I don’t know.

I just know that I don’t feel like I really did anything this morning. I guess tonight or tomorrow morning we’ll see if maybe I did more than I thought, and see if I feel it.

Maybe next time I’ll try Insanity? But Hip Hop Abs is definitely not for me.

If you’re looking for a good workout, it’s probably not for you either.

If you’re looking for a routine that will just get you up off the couch, but isn’t very taxing, then you might want to try this.

Update: Right after writing this, I looked at my Fitbit. I got about 2,494 steps out of this workout.

That’s more than I’ve gotten from T25, or any of the P90X3 routines I’ve tried.

So if it’s steps you’re going for, this is definitely a quick way to get them where you don’t feel like you’re working too hard. And if you enjoy dance moves, it’s a fun way to get a quarter of the steps you should get for the day.

If you’re interested in learning more about the free 30 day trial of Beachbody on Demand, click here.

Also, if you’d like to see my review of the entire 30 day free trial, I’ll be updating the main post here.

