BeachBody on Demand Weekly Review: Week ending 10/23/15

Beachbody on Demand Weekly Review

It’s been about a week and a half since we ended the 30-day FREE trial of Beachbody on Demand.

The one thing I was most worried about, was that now that I wasn’t blogging about what I did every day, would I keep up with exercising?

The answer is mostly yes, except for weekends. Last weekend I just needed the sleep, and didn’t get to exercise. Hopefully it won’t be that way every week, and I’ll have 5-6 days of exercise each week.

Here’s what I’ve been doing since the 30-day free trial ended:

  • 10/14 Turbo Fire Abs 10 and Turbo Fire Stretch 10 – This has become a go-to when we want to do something that isn’t cardio and don’t want to spend a lot of time. It’s nice and quick, and we both feel like we’re getting a great ab workout.
  • 10/15 Master Trainers – Round 12 – Express Insanity LIVE with Katy Meuer – I was playing around on the Beachbody on Demand website, and noticed a “Master Trainers” section that isn’t on the Roku. It has a bunch of 30 minute routines not found anywhere else. So I set the laptop up, and we did it from that. It wasn’t as good as using the Roku, but was pretty good. I liked the routine.
  • 10/16 Turbo Fire Abs 10 – We didn’t have much time, and this was better than doing nothing.
  • 10/19 P90X3 MMX – I still love this workout!
  • 10/20 Turbo Fire Abs 10 & Turbo Fire Stretch 10 – See above.
  • 10/21 Master Trainers – Round 65 Express Turbo Kick LIVE! Julie Voris – This one wasn’t very exciting, and I doubt we’ll do it again. I was SO hoping that it would be at least a little similar to P90X3 MMX, but it wasn’t even close. There wasn’t really that much kicking at all.
  • 10/23 Turbo Fire HIIT 25 – We really liked this one. I thought we had done it before, but a lot of them have such similar names in Turbo Fire. It turned out to be one we hadn’t done before, and was 4 sets of routines, each done twice. It was a great workout, and I got over 2,000 steps from it! It’s just under 25 minutes, and that’s including the warmup and cooldown.

What did I get out of the past week and a half?

  • I think that Turbo Fire Abs 10 along with Turbo Fire Stretch 10 will continue to be a “go-to” when we don’t have a lot of time, but want to feel like we at least got a good ab workout. It’s quick, but it’s rough!! It’s also great for days where we don’t want to do cardio, and don’t want to spend 5 minutes figuring out what to do.
  • I still love P90X3 MMX. Nothing has changed. I’m sure I’ll keep doing this once a week. It’s fun and I wish there was more like it.
  • I think Turbo Fire HIIT 25 will become a new “once a week” workout just like the P90X3 MMX. It was easy to follow, but there were a lot of great moves. I got a lot of steps, was exhausted by the end of the workout, and really, really enjoyed it.
  • I really do need to put a bit more effort into working out. I took both days of the weekend off, and when I had something to do early on a weekday, just skipped it instead of doing something later in the day. I really want to average 6 days a week working out, so I’m going to have to make sure that happens.

So far I’m still really glad I continued and am paying for Beachbody on Demand. Even after a month and a week, I’m still finding a lot of new workouts. I’m still having fun, and doing something different each morning.

If you’re interested in learning more about the free 30 day trial of Beachbody on Demand, click here.

Also, if you’d like to see my review of the entire 30 day free trial, here’s a post that links to each of the posts during the 30 days, along with a review at the end.

