Do you need the brand name Jewelry, or is something half the price but made by someone else “Good Enough” for you?

Pandora Ring from AliExpress My Ring

This is what the ring I bought looks like today.

I usually wear the same rings every day, so I wasn’t in the market to buy a new ring.

But I went shopping with a friend of mine, and she took me into Pandora because she wanted to look at something.

I had never really looked at their jewelry before, so I started looking at and trying on the rings that were out on a display with her.

I liked the “dazzling daisy” ring they had, but wasn’t 100% in love with it. It was $50, and while that isn’t bad for a ring, I knew I probably wouldn’t wear it too much…and therefore couldn’t justify spending money on it.

But I kept thinking about the ring.

So a few weeks later, I went online and did some searching to see if I could find it on sale. I figured if I found it for less, it would be worth it.

What I found really shocked me.

Pandora Ring AliExpress

It turns out that the site AliExpress (very well known all over the world) has a lot of sellers who sell “Pandora like” jewelry.

It’s not from Pandora. But the pieces look exactly the same.

Oh, and did I mention that it was less than HALF of the price of the pieces from Pandora?

At first I was a bit nervous. I mean, why would they sell a $50 ring for $14.59 if it was as good as the one from Pandora?

But I did some research, and read all of the reviews…and they were all good reviews.

So I figured for $14.59 (shipping is free), it was worth taking the risk.

I got it pretty quickly. I want to say a week and a half later I was wearing the ring.

I really like it. I’ve been wearing it for over 7 months now, and it still looks as good as it did when I bought it. The picture at the top is one I took this morning.

Pandora Ring

This is the ring from Pandora. It looks the same to me.

Is it made from the exact same materials? I don’t know. But my finger hasn’t turned green, the stones haven’t fallen out, etc. Absolutely nothing has happened to the ring.

Other people have noticed the ring, and said how pretty it is. I usually just say thank you, but if it’s someone close, I tell them where I got it, and for how much. Hey…I’m proud of finding a great deal, and always want to share!

So to me, this totally worth it, and was “good enough”. I didn’t need the name brand to be happy. I’d have to say I’m even happier with this ring than if I had bought the Pandora one, since this cost me less than half of the price of it!

There are quite a few merchants on AliExpress who sell these types of rings. If you’re interested, I purchased this one.

That’s what I love about “good enough”.  What’s good enough to me might not be good enough for you, and for something else, it might be the opposite.

That’s why it’s always great to have so many choices.  In all aspects of your life, you can decide what’s good enough for you and your family.

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