Does Anyone Else’s Pet Need to be “Paid to Play”?

Cat PlayingSilly me. I always thought that pets, and cats in particular liked to play and “hunt”. Don’t get me wrong, my cat seems to enjoy playing, but only if she gets paid for it.

It goes like this:

Me: Throws the stuffed mouse.
Her: taps it. RUNS to where we keep the dry food so I’ll give her some.

She REFUSES to play again until I’ve given her something to eat.

Note: We don’t keep her dry food out, because she’s one of those cats that thinks she’s a dog and will eat ALL DAY LONG if the food is always out. So she gets a little bit of dry food throughout the day. She’s definitely NOT hungry. Believe me. She gets more than enough food and just loves to eat.

It happens with any toy.

Me: moves laser around so she’ll follow the red dot.
Her: runs once. Stops, and then goes over to where her food is.

Don’t get me wrong. Most of the time after she begs, she’ll go play again…for another 2 seconds, before she begs again.

But she really thinks she should be PAID to play!

Does anyone else have a pet like this? One that thinks they should be paid to play with you?  It’s really difficult to play when she stops every few seconds to ask for more food.

Silly, silly cat. She should play because it’s fun and she enjoys it. She should WANT to hunt after all…she’s a cat! But no. It’s always “Pay me or I’m not playing again. I’m doing this for you!”

Gotta love it!

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