Get 3 Months of Kindle Unlimited for $0.99

I love to read.

When I say that, I really, really mean that I love to read. I am always in the middle of a book, and it’s usually two. Why two? Because I’ll be reading one fiction book, and one non-fiction book. Sometimes I’m in the mood for something fun (fiction) – to escape reality…and sometimes I want to learn something (that’s where non-fiction comes in.)

Now, if I purchased all of the books I read, I’d have no money left. I read that often.

That’s what the library is for. But if your digital library is like mine, there can be a lot of people “in line” for the books that you want. So even if you have 3-4 books “on hold”…you might not have any to read right now.

That’s what I use Kindle Unlimited for. Or at least I used to. For 2 years, I had it…and then when I had my daughter last year, I didn’t think I’d have as much time to read…and so I didn’t renew it.

Boy did I regret it. But I hate paying full price for anything. So I was waiting for a good deal to come around.

3 months of Kindle Unlimited is a great deal. It gives you more than enough time to see if you’ll find enough books to keep you busy. You’ll get to check-out as many as 10 books at a time, and as soon as you return one, you can get another one.

I love the high limit, because it means when I go on vacation, I can get 10 books out to take with me.

You’d better believe that I’m going to get Kindle Unlimited again. I already know the first set of books I want to take out:

Yes…I realize that none of those are fiction, but I will definitely get some of that as well. As you can tell, I’m trying to grow my business, and also organize myself better. I’m sure these will all be helpful…and I love that you’d be able to read all of those plus so much more in 3 months.

If you’ve ever considered Kindle Unlimited…this is an awesome way to check it out. Get 3 Months for just 99 cents. I’ll be re-joining in the next few days myself!