Lemon: Health Benefits

Lemons are good for you!

I absolutely love when I can do something really small that can have a huge benefit in my life.

So when my husband told me that he read an article in Men’s Fitness Magazine talking about how great lemons were for your health, I had to check it out for myself. Boy was I surprised at all of the things lemons can do, both physically and mentally.

Plus, if you can’t stand the taste of lemons at all, you can still get a few of the benefits just by smelling them!

From Men’s Fitness:

“…Adding the juice of half a lemon to a glass of water every morning supports liver and gall bladder function. Drink some fresh lemon juice before your next meeting. The energizing scent has been shown to mitigate fatigue, anxiety, and nervousness, and can increase concentration and alertness.”

Up until now, I just thought it was something that added a little bit of flavor to whatever you put it in. I had no idea it had this many benefits. Here are just a few…

  • Like mentioned above, just the scent of lemons alone can help you become more energized, relaxed, and help with concentration.
  • They help clean your body out and help you digest your food properly.
  • Lemon is an anticarcinogenic – meaning it can lower the rate of cancer!
  • It can help control high blood pressure.
  • It can help with weight loss.
  • …and a whole lot more.

Here is a link to Fit Sugar, which has a list of 10 benefits of lemons.

After reading that, and a few other articles online, I figured it can’t hurt. If nothing else it will give me more vitamins…and if it does even a few of the above things, that’s just great.

Since I’m not big on putting lemons on most of my foods, I figured the best way to try to incorporate lemons into my diet was to drink lemon water in the morning. So starting this morning I took a half a lemon and put the juice of it in my glass of water.

From what I’ve read, they suggest doing this with warm water – but I love drinking ice cold water, so I used that instead. I’m going to give it a try for a few weeks, and see what happens. If I notice any changes, I’ll post an update.