One More Reason I love Beachbody on Demand (I tried 22 Minute Hard Corps Today!)

I started doing my FREE 30 day trial of Beachbody on Demand back in the middle of September.

In the past I had purchased (and used) many different Beachbody products (including Focus T25, P90X, 10 Minute Trainer, and more), but the problem was after doing the same workout a few times, I got bored with it…and eventually stopped.

So the original goal was to see if I could do Beachbody on Demand for the entire month, with 1 day off a week.

I not only succeeded, but realized it was a lot easier to exercise almost every day when you had a bunch of different workouts to do and it never got boring.

So that was a little over 5 months ago, and I’m still going strong!

This morning when I went to do my workout, I saw a surprise, and it was just 1 more reason I love using Beachbody on Demand.

There was a 1-day only free sneak peak of Tony Horton’s newest product, 22 Minute Hard Corps, Cardio 1.

So of course I had to try it!

It was SO much fun. It was only 22 minutes (take that Focus T25!) but it was a GREAT workout.

I was exhausted by the end of it, and was surprised that I had around 1500 steps in that short a time.

It doesn’t come out until next month, and I’m REALLY hoping they add it to Beachbody on Demand. I really liked it, and can’t wait to see the other workouts.

Besides all of the workouts that are available every day, each day there is a new workout that is added that is the challenge du jour, and it’s only available for a short time.

It’s an awesome way to get new workouts to try, so you don’t get bored doing the same things over and over again.

I’m so glad I got to try 22 Minute Hard Corps today, and really hope to get to do more of them soon.

If you get bored of workouts quickly…now is the time to try Beachbody on Demand.

You’ll see how you can do a different workout every day, and still enjoy exercising (well, as much as anyone can enjoy it…) by having so many choices you won’t get bored.

I just wanted to share that today only, you can try a new workout that won’t be available to the public until next month!

Get your FREE 30-day trial of Beachbody on Demand Now!