Smelling Rosemary Makes you Smarter?

Rosemary makes you smarter

You often hear about great things that spices can do to help both your mind and your body.

I love this, because just adding a few extra spices to your diet can really help you…yet it’s not a hard thing to do. You can usually put these same spices on dishes you normally make, and in many cases you’re already using the spices. If you’re not already using the spice, it’s fun to find a new recipe that does.

So I love when I learn something new that a spice can do.

I just read a great post on Gizmodo about how sniffing rosemary makes you smarter. More specifically, that smelling rosemary will increase your speed and accuracy.

How cool is that? Odds are good that you already use rosemary on some of the dishes you make, and if not, it’s an easy spice to incorporate into your dishes as it can be used on meats, vegetables, and more.

If you’re doubtful that this works, this is the kind of thing that you can test for yourself. While it’s not exactly a scientific study, try doing something on a normal day, and then something very similar on a day after you’ve smelled rosemary, and see if you notice a difference. If not,

If so, maybe it’s worth adding some rosemary into your diet…or at least spending some time smelling it!