So Excited Over the New Asus 2-in-1 Laptop I just Bought!!!

Asus 2 in 1 Laptop

What a great weekend!

First…let me start off with my history of laptops.

I kill them. I don’t mean to…but I work them to death.

I guess on an average weekday, I probably spend about 15 or so hours on my laptop, between work and playing around.

I have no idea how, but somehow usually right around the 2 year mark, my laptop just dies. Sometimes I get a bit of a warning…but usually one day it just won’t turn on anymore.

And it’s horrible. Usually by then I have backed everything up, so at most I’m missing something from the past few days…but now I have to find a new laptop, and fast.

So looking for a great deal? That doesn’t get to happen, because I NEED a new laptop.

And I LOVE finding a good deal. So I keep trying new laptops, whatever the best deal I can find at the time is. I’ve had Dell laptops, HP laptops, and my current one is a Toshiba.

So far this one has lasted me the longest. 3 years and 1 month! But the end is near. I can tell the way it’s working…and the problems I’m starting to have.

So when I saw this deal on Best Buy’s website on Friday, I decided now is the time. BEFORE my laptop breaks.

Are you ready for the specs on my new laptop? It had everything I wanted, plus a bonus!

It’s an Asus 2-in-1, so you can use it like a laptop or a tablet. It’s 15.6″, which to me is perfect. Not too small, not too big.

It’s got a touch screen (after this current laptop, I don’t think I could live without it), an i7 processor, 16GB RAM (definitely couldn’t live without that), a 1TB hard drive (I take a LOT of pictures, so this is very helpful too), and a bonus for me…a 128GB solid state device!

Hopefully this means it will be a bit faster than my current laptop too!

I’ve never had an Asus laptop before, but the reviews were really good, and over the weekend I went to my local Best Buy to take a look at the one on display, and it really looked nice.

I’m excited to get it, and think it’s supposed to come on Wednesday!

I’ll post about it once I try it out…but so far, I’m really excited about the laptop, and can’t wait to start using it and copying everything over from this one before it stops working.

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